Monday 24 September 2012

Physicalism - If true:

   If everything is physical, (physicalism), then everything is only a direct result of the thing that came before it. For example, offspring are the genetic results of their parents. To include interference, mutations can arise from naturally produced causes that create a variance in the genetic code, which directly results in the variant. At no point would anything other than the natural course result, since all interference must also be physical and itself would also have simply been a result of the thing that caused it.

   Everything must be the direct result of the things that came before it, because there is nothing else to influence and change the natural physical course.

   If everything is physical, than all brain activity is also solely physical, and everyone’s thoughts would simply be the direct result of things that came before it, and their actions a result of the thoughts. Everything a person did in love, hate, wonder, or fear would have only been a “result” and not a choice.

   Physicalism to its true extent states, “You have no choice, and your life is only a natural results of previous happenings, which were themselves results of previous things.”

   If everything is physical than you are a biological machine working through a complex program until you expire.

   Within physicalism there is nowhere to transcend to beyond the physical. There can be no higher calling or motivation, nor any good or bad; since everything would only be the natural result of the original thing, and no better or worse than any other result.

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